A new global security hub

December 25, 2024
Uncover. Unwrap. Understand. Unlock security and preparedness to navigate crises with clarity.We are delighted to introduce Praesidio Arena – an online platform and community that delivers real expertise on real matters. PRAESIDIO ARENA is your hub for actionable insights on security and preparedness, empowering individuals and…

National broadcaster radio interview

July 16, 2024
Susanne Skov Diemer participates in DR 'P1 Orienteering', where she discusses the investigation in regards to the Trump assassination attempt. "We probably won't get the full insight and we shouldn't either. We don't have to know everything. We shouldn't know all the security plans. As…

Guest expert on DR (the Danish Broadcasting Corporation )

July 14, 2024
CEO Susanne Skov Diemer was invited to the headquarters of the national Danish broadcaster to share her expertise on DR Television News and P1 Radio. She explained the processes involved in conducting security planning, protocols and procedures that are followed. Her insights further covered threat…

Dagbladet Information ”Livet i krisekassen”

July 12, 2024
Dagbladet Information stiller spørgsmålet, ”Hvordan ruster man sig til et systemnedbrud? Ved at gennemleve det, selvfølgelig”. ”Alle taler om krise og prepping, men hvordan føles det egentlig, når systemet går ned? Vi har taget en for holdet”. Journalist Mikkel Vuorela har i 3 dage levet efter…

TV 2 Nyhederne: Ekspert: Det skulle være sket meget tidligere

June 4, 2024
”Forsvarsminister Troels Lund Poulsen forsikrede om, at der inden for de næste 14 dage vil komme information om, hvad man som borger skal gøre, hvis den kritiske infrastruktur bliver ramt. Men det skulle være sket meget tidligere. Det mener sikkerhedsekspert Susanne Skov Diemer, der tidligere…

TV 2: A future cashless society

May 19, 2024
'Although digital and electronic solutions are booming, we must not forget the importance of cash if a crisis strikes. This is the opinion of security expert Susanne Skov Diemer, who was previously security coordinator at the American Embassy in Copenhagen.'I think it is important to…

Computerworld crisis guide recommendation

May 19, 2024
'The first Danish guide to handling crises provides good tips and tricks for those who want to prepare a little before a major crisis occurs'.'You can learn more about how you and your loved ones can protect yourself during crises, disasters and power failures by…

Podcast preparation interview

March 12, 2024
The Danish Radio 4 takes a closer look at the short-term and long-term consequences the unstable world situation has had on Danish security policy, and interviews Susanne Skov Diemer about preparation and the biggest threats she sees: Power supply breakdown and attacks on critical infrastructure. ”We have to…

Crisis preparedness interview

March 7, 2024
As Sweden is joining NATO, CEO Susanne Skov Diemer was interviewed by TV 2 Danmark “News & Co” panel, the leading Danish broadcaster, to discuss crisis preparedness. “I wish politicians would be clearer in communicating to citizens about the risks, we are potentially facing. As a society, it is essential that we come together by…

The first non-fiction book salon of the year

January 28, 2024
The first non-fiction book salon of the year at a Danish public library is about prepping and preparedness. The conversation center’s around CEO Susanne Skov Diemer’s Danish crisis preparedness guide on how to protect yourself and your family during crises, disasters, and power failures. Her purpose…

Preparedness speeches

January 7, 2024
A good start to the year with CEO Susanne Skov Diemer preparing people for 2024! First stop AOF Copenhagen with this year’s first 2 speeches of countless upcoming speeches, courses, and workshops.

AFLYTTET med Susanne Skov Diemer

December 16, 2023
”Lad os omfavne det faktum, at vi ikke skal være fuld digitale, fordi det er ikke det, der får vores samfund igennem en krise”.  Susanne Skov Diemer medvirker i podcasten AFLYTTET – i garagen fra minut 29:55. 

Faglitterær salon : Prepping og beredskab

December 12, 2023
I februar lægger vi op til en interessant samtale om Prepping og Beredskab.Hvor meget skal vi være beredte? Og på hvad? Vi læser ”Forbered dig bedst på det værste – Sikkerhedsekspertens guide til, hvordan du sikrer dig selv og din familie under kriser, katastrofer og…

Bogforum podcast: Sådan forbereder du dig bedst på det værste

November 9, 2023
Radio 4 programmet ‘Kraniebrud er taget til Bogforum for at tale med nogle af de største stjerner på den litterære himmel. I første halvdel af programmet deler forfatter Katrine Engberg ud af sine allerbedste tips og tricks, når vi stiller hende spørgsmålet: Hvordan skriver man…

Cyber Security talk

October 6, 2023
Susanne Skov Diemer was a speaker at the first Lundbeck Cyber Security conference, marking International Cyber Security Awareness month.

A crisis: A joint venture

April 23, 2023
Every other Sunday, CEO Susanne Skov Diemer will share her insights to crisis preparedness with sneak peeks into her two preparedness books. The objective is understanding misunderstandings, create awareness of unawareness and for unpreparedness to become preparedness. We hope to encourage you to be better…

Preparing Danish citizens best for the worst

December 1, 2022
The Association of Emergency Preparedness is introducing preparedness citizens’ symposiums in collaboration with Susanne Skov Diemer, based on her book ‘Forbered dig bedst på det værste’ (How to prepare best for the worst) – a crisis guide on how to prepare and protect yourself and your…

Forberedte borgere

December 1, 2022
Trusler, risici og kriser. Verdensbilledet og trusselbilledet mod Danmark ændrer sig konstant.   Beredskabsforbundet forbereder borgere, så de bliver mere kriseparate, hvis Danmark i morgen ikke ser ud, som det gør i dag. Det gøres med udgangspunkt i krise- og sikkerhedsekspert Susanne Skov Diemers bog…

National broadcaster interview

August 9, 2022
”We are a highly digitized country, where we pride ourselves with the fact that we have our data digitally. Unfortunately, it has a downside”, Susanne Skov Diemer on DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) P1 morning show, where she was interviewed about cyber security.  To hear the…

Danish newspaper article

August 8, 2022
Expert about possible hacker attacks – impossible to completely avoid. Hackers have become better professionals. Read full article in the Danish newspaper B.T. (in Danish).

Best Physical & Tactical Security Specialists – Denmark

August 4, 2022
Praesidio Group is the winner of the Scandinavian Business Awards 2022: Best Physical & Tactical Security Specialists – Denmark. Read more

The 10 Most Inspiring Women Leaders to Follow in 2022

July 18, 2022
Susanne Skov Diemer is featured in the magazine, Insights Success special “The 10 Most Inspiring Women Leaders to Follow in 2022”. In the interview, she talks about Praesidio Group´s mission and vision: “It is all about preparedness. Mitigation. Trust. Vigilance. It is about having the courage…

World’s Most Influential Women in Tech, 2022

July 7, 2022
CEO Susanne Skov Diemer is Featured In World’s Leaders Magazine latest edition – “World’s Most Influential Women in Tech, 2022”. In the feature, she describes Praesidio Groups services: “We prepare people, companies and organizations. We minimize risks and maximize security. We constantly stay informed and updated…

Cyber Security Conference with Susanne Skov Diemer in the panel

July 5, 2022
CSCD’s Ambassadors Lounge hosted a conference at the Danish Parliament on Cyber Security in collaboration with the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Danish Parliament, MP Mr. Martin Lidegaard, and the Israeli Embassy and His Excellency Mr. David Akov on June 24th. Susanne…

‘Your Urban Crisis Survival Planner’

July 4, 2022
Susanne Skov Diemer is the author of ‘Your Urban Crisis Survival Planner’ – a beginners’ guide to practical crisis awareness and preparedness. She guides readers through scenarios & cases, challenges & opportunities and the ‘How’s’ and ‘Why’s’, the ‘Dos & Don’ts’.With fascinating and insightful personal anecdotes,…

Susanne Skov Diemer makes a guest appearance on the radio show “Gamle Aviser”

May 29, 2022
Susanne Skov Diemer is a guest on the show “Gamle Aviser” on the Danish radio 24syv, where she talks about her book ”How to prepare best for the worst”. To listen to the program (in Danish), click here.  Susanne Skov Diemer gæster 24syv’s program “Gamle…

Danish newspaper article on how to prepare best for the worst

May 13, 2022
The Danish newspaper B.T. features Susanne Skov Diemer´s book ”Forbered dig bedst på det værste” (How to prepare best for the worst). “A cyberattack on our power grid can relatively easy be arranged. In fact, it hardly costs anything to attack our power supplies,” says Susanne…

Nominations opened for 2022 IFSEC Global Influencers in Security & Fire as judges are revealed

January 27, 2022
CEO Susanne Skov Diemer is part of the judging panel of the 2022 IFSEC Global Influencers in Security & Fire. The awards are designed to generate positivity across the industry by recognising the talent and efforts of some of the leading individuals tirelessly working to…

Corporate Duty of Care

January 11, 2022
Why we should care and assure that essential staff is prepared for crises Companies are purchasing my crisis guide ’Your Urban Crisis Survival Planner’ for their staff who travels, as well as for essential staff and crisis response teams. Why? Because they want to make…

Elite Business Leaders to watch

January 10, 2022
“We do business in increasingly uncertain times. Risks are dynamic and predictably unpredictable. We are more interconnected and technological than ever before. The global business environment is constantly changing and leaders should rise and adapt to this new reality. Risk management should be key from…

The 10 most iconic business women

January 4, 2022
CEO Susanne Skov Diemer is among the 10 most iconic business women to watch. “Praesidio means to ‘protect’ and that forms the foundation of the Praesidio group. A crisis manager, senior advisor, security intelligence specialist Susanne Skov Diemer the CEO and founder of Praesidio Group…

⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars to ‘Your Urban Crisis Survival Planner’

December 5, 2021
⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of ⭐⭐⭐⭐ stars review from the Online Book Club: “Your Urban Crisis Survival Planner is a priceless masterpiece… In this book, the author is one of the best professionals globally and can provide advice that only a few could give. After the COVID…

Top 50 Admired Companies To Watch 2021

October 11, 2021
Praesidio Grop is recognized as one of the Top 50 Admired Companies To Watch 2021 by CEO Views. “Security and intelligence is not just a profession, but a way of life. A mission. On-going crisis, disaster and emergency preparedness is a duty for life and…

Book release: Your Urban Crisis Survival Planner

October 7, 2021
Susanne Skov Diemer has just released a beginners’ guide to practical crisis awareness and preparedness, where she guides readers through scenarios & cases, challenges & opportunities and the ‘How’s’ and ‘Why’s’, the ‘Dos & Don’ts’.With fascinating and insightful personal anecdotes, observations, experiences and expertise from…

Playing with open cards

August 2, 2021
Every month around the 1st, social media is full of ‘new job’ postings – and I would like to begin by congratulating everyone, who is starting a new adventure. As a security specialist and advisor, I would also like to point out that there are…

Vetting the future by detection, prevention and protection

January 25, 2021
Praesidio Group is strengthening its risk and security Screening, Vetting & Validation programme with Martin Schulze joining as new head and partner of Screening, Vetting & Validation. “Martin is a long-time collaborator and we are delighted to welcome him on board to further strengthen our…

Penge & Privatøkonomi: “Forbered dig bedst på det værste” anbefaling

December 21, 2020
Magasinet ’Penge & Privatøkonomi’ (januar 2021) har udvalgt 6 bøger, der er værd at læse, heriblandt “Forbered dig bedst på det værste”: ’’Bogen forklarer, hvordan du forbereder dig til det værst tænkelige scenarie, som kan overgå vores samfund. Uanset om det er en global pandemi…

Christmas calendar 2020

December 1, 2020
This Christmas, our CEO Susanne Skov Diemer is creating a Christmas calendar on social media to share recommendations, reflections and advise from the security world and her book “Forbered dig bedst på det værste” (Prepare yourself best for the worst). The purpose of the calendar…

PACTESUR member and interview

November 30, 2020
CEO Susanne Skov Diemer is a proud member of the PACTESUR Expert Advisory Committee and this month she is featured in their newsletter with an interview focusing on crisis management and urban security. PACTESUR aims to empower cities and local actors in the field of security…

“En vigtig udgivelse”

November 11, 2020
Bogens vejledninger er klare og velbeskrevne. Nogle finder måske scenarier og tiltag voldsomme, men bogens intention om i hvert fald at få taget snakken med familie, venner og naboer om, hvad der kan gøres inden nødvendigheden, er både tankevækkende og prisværdig. Desværre nok en vigtig…

Forberedende og forebyggende foredrag

November 8, 2020
Susanne Skov Diemer har gennem sin 25 årige karriere afholdt et utal af briefinger og foredrag i fortrolige forum i ind- og udland om emner indenfor sikkerhed, terror, efterretningsmetoder og krisehåndtering. Med udgangspunkt i hendes bog ”Forbered dig bedst på det værste” afholder hun nu…

The 10 Successful Entrepreneur Revamping The Future

October 26, 2020
Insights Success magazine has announced the names of “The 10 Successful Entrepreneur Revamping The Future”, including Susanne Skov Diemer. Click here to read the cover story. 

Artikel i Bogmagasinet

September 30, 2020
Cyberangreb, en ny global virus, et strømsvigt, der får landet til at gå i sort eller noget helt fjerde. Det er kun et spørgsmål om tid, før Danmark igen bliver ramt af en dybere kriser, mener sikkerhedsekspert Susanne Skov Diemer. Hun har netop udgivet en håndbog…

Børsen interview med Susanne Skov Diemer

September 28, 2020
  Hun vil for­be­re­de dan­sker­ne på den næ­ste kri­se: “Jeg ar­bej­der i skyg­gen, for at an­dre kan leve i so­len”. Hun arbejder med kidnapning, afpresning og cyberangreb. Hun ved godt, at nogle dømmer hende, men det har hun fred med, for Susanne Skov Diemer har…

Bogudgivelse: Forbered dig bedst på det værste

September 8, 2020
CEO Susanne Skov Diemer udgiver FORBERED DIG BEDST PÅ DET VÆRSTE – den første danske guide om kriseforberedelse. Bogen er en enkel indføring i de mest afgørende og grundlæggende forberedelser: Hvorfor kan du ikke regne med, at myndighederne redder dig ud af alle kriser, hvordan…

Book release

September 8, 2020
CEO Susanne Skov Diemer has published a modern crisis survival guide in Danish on how to prepare for a crisis – “Prepare yourself best for the worst” (Forbered dig bedst på det værste).  Prevention, preparedness and awareness are key in this modern step-by-step survival guide on…

Susanne Diemer i Berlingske

March 31, 2020
Hun blev kritiseret for sin holdning til Danmarks håndtering af coronavirussen – nu har hendes forudsigelser vist sig at holde stik. I februar satte sikkerhedsekspert Susanne Diemer spørgsmålstegn ved Danmarks håndtering af coronavirus. Sundhedsstyrelsen afviste hendes kritik, mens en fremtrædende læge kaldte hendes udmeldelser »dommedagsprofetier«.…

DR podcast med omtale af Susanne Diemer

March 29, 2020
I DR´s nyhedspodcast ”Genstart: One Man Corona-Band” fortæller journalisten Asger Juhl om mediernes dækning af Corona-virussen og om Susanne Diemers anbefalinger og reaktionerne derpå. Hør hele udsendelsen her.

COVID19-Record of Achievement

March 16, 2020
COVID-19 Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to support country preparedness and response.

Top 10 Security Company

February 14, 2020
Praesidio Group is shortlisted on the CIO Bulletin 2020 the “10 Best Security Companies” globally. Susanne Skov Diemer, founder and CEO, tells how Praesidio Group is challenging the status-quo of the industry and the current risks the world is facing. Read the article here. To see…

The Danish Broadcasting Corporation: Radio programme

February 8, 2020
  Should Chinese tourists be quarantined? Participants in P1 radio debate programme: Liselott Blixt (DF), Susanne Diemer (security expert), Lone Simonsen (RUC), Stinus Lindgren (RV) and Lars Østergaard (Aarhus University Hospital).

Lars Seier post

February 2, 2020
Jeg er desværre enig med Susanne Diemer. Indtil videre undervurderer vi tilsyneladende i Danmark omfanget af den risiko,… Slået op af Lars Seier Christensen i Søndag den 2. februar 2020  

Security specialist critizes the Danish corona handling

February 2, 2020
Security expert criticizes Danish handling of coronavirus: “Conflict-averse and risky attitude” According to security expert Susanne Diemer, Denmark is making a big mistake by not placing evacuated Danes in quarantine when they land from Wuhan (China). She believes the danger of a virus outbreak is…

10 most Influential Companies 2019

October 1, 2019
Praesidio Group is listed on the CIO Bulletin “10 Most Influential Companies 2019”. In a featured article, CEO Susanne Diemer tells one of the ironies of security businesses is that they could never market their victories, because the majority of them will be confidential. Pillars that guard…

Trailblazing companies to watch: Praesidio Group

August 12, 2019
Praesidio Group is featured in “The Trailblazing Companies to Watch: 2019” by The Enterprise World.  To read the full article, click here

Praesidio – securing the Cyber Sphere

July 27, 2019
Praesidio Group is one of the leading companies today and sharing her journey of struggles and success is CEO & Founder Susanne Skov Diemer, who aimed high. She was driven by a similar mindset to create a professional security company who has the knowledge of various…

The 10 Disruptive Companies Beyond Workplaces

July 4, 2019
Praesidio Group and CEO and Founder Susanne Diemer are featured in “Beyond Exclamation”, who has assembled the journey of selected influential personages and their disruptive companies. Click here to read the full article on how to secure the cyber sphere.

The weakest link: The supply chain security

June 24, 2019
Today’s increasing and evolving global threats are strong indications for companies to re-evaluate and reinforce their supply chain security. Praesidio Group guides companies seeking to heighten their supply chain security through enhanced facility defense, secure freight containers, and employee vetting, as examples of identifying and…

Praesidio Group among the 30 Most Reputable Companies of 2019

April 24, 2019
Read more about the bulwark against security and cyber threats in an interview with CEO Susanne Skov Diemer in The Silicon Review by clicking here

Praesidio Academy World Wide Open

March 11, 2019
We are pleased to announce that “Praesidio Academy” is now open worldwide! This international elite academy for special operations training and high performance has been exclusively for a closed circle of Special Forces. Now, with threats and risks increasing on a global scale, we are…

Cyber Security: Vulnerability & Protection

October 2, 2017
The risk of hacking, exploitation and sabotage remains an ever-increasing occurrence. Praesidio Group has developed ‘Cybercheck’ to enhance business, cyber and information security resilience, providing a diverse and risk mitigating service portfolio designed to ensure the protection of critical business IT assets and sensitive data.…

Introducing Praesidio’s Training Department

April 13, 2017
The demand for security training due to terrorism, security threats, espionage and fraud is of current and increasing significance. Improved preventative methods through training, and a better understanding of the ability to be reactive is crucial in reinforcing employment, public safety activities, duty of care,…

Praesidio opens an international office in London

March 9, 2017
We are pleased to announce the opening of a new office in the UK to better serve our growing international UK based cliental and introducing new focus areas: Female bodyguards, “The Secure Nanny Programme” and sport & event risk management. “We look forward to further…

EU project launches with Praesidio Group

January 26, 2017
The EU sound and city venture, MONICA has officially kicked off this week with all 28 partners gathered in Bonn.   

Praesidio Group er sikkerhedspartner på innovativt EU projekt

December 2, 2016
EU projektet MONICA er Danmarkshistoriens største offentligt-privat lyd- og sikkerhedsprojekt med en finansiering på 125 mio. kr., heraf 112 mio. kr. fra EU. “Det er et betydningsfuldt og innovativt projekt, som vi er glade for og stolte over at være en del af. Praesidio Group…

New EU project with Praesidio Group as security partner

November 30, 2016
Praesidio Group has been appointed sole security advisor and partner of the large-scale EU funded project “MONICA” that aims to reduce the high level of sound and noise, maximize security and minimize risks at large events in Europe. The sound and city venture kicks off…

Sikkerhed for udsatte velhavere

September 2, 2016
Velhavende familier lever med en stigende frygt og risici for at blive ofre for kriminalitet. Derfor lancerer Praesidio Group nu ”Residential Security”, et specialdesignet sikkerhedsprogram for familier i Danmark og udland. ”Det har i mange år været udbredt blandt kriminelle i udlandet at gå målrettet…

Introducing “Residential Security”

September 2, 2016
The darker side of wealth and spotlight are the associated and growing risks. Expats, families in the spotlight and wealthy families are more vulnerable to certain risks – theft, fraud, extortion and other security risks. Therefore Praesidio Group is launching a new “Secure & Safe Family…