The risk of hacking, exploitation and sabotage remains an ever-increasing occurrence. Praesidio Group has developed ‘Cybercheck’ to enhance business, cyber and information security resilience, providing a diverse and risk mitigating service portfolio designed to ensure the protection of critical business IT assets and sensitive data.…
The demand for security training due to terrorism, security threats, espionage and fraud is of current and increasing significance. Improved preventative methods through training, and a better understanding of the ability to be reactive is crucial in reinforcing employment, public safety activities, duty of care,…
We are pleased to announce the opening of a new office in the UK to better serve our growing international UK based cliental and introducing new focus areas: Female bodyguards, “The Secure Nanny Programme” and sport & event risk management. “We look forward to further…
The EU sound and city venture, MONICA has officially kicked off this week with all 28 partners gathered in Bonn.
EU projektet MONICA er Danmarkshistoriens største offentligt-privat lyd- og sikkerhedsprojekt med en finansiering på 125 mio. kr., heraf 112 mio. kr. fra EU. “Det er et betydningsfuldt og innovativt projekt, som vi er glade for og stolte over at være en del af. Praesidio Group…
Praesidio Group has been appointed sole security advisor and partner of the large-scale EU funded project “MONICA” that aims to reduce the high level of sound and noise, maximize security and minimize risks at large events in Europe. The sound and city venture kicks off…
Velhavende familier lever med en stigende frygt og risici for at blive ofre for kriminalitet. Derfor lancerer Praesidio Group nu ”Residential Security”, et specialdesignet sikkerhedsprogram for familier i Danmark og udland. ”Det har i mange år været udbredt blandt kriminelle i udlandet at gå målrettet…
The darker side of wealth and spotlight are the associated and growing risks. Expats, families in the spotlight and wealthy families are more vulnerable to certain risks – theft, fraud, extortion and other security risks. Therefore Praesidio Group is launching a new “Secure & Safe Family…