We are pleased to announce that “Praesidio Academy” is now open worldwide! This international elite academy for special operations training and high performance has been exclusively for a closed circle of Special Forces. Now, with threats and risks increasing on a global scale, we are…
EU projektet MONICA er Danmarkshistoriens største offentligt-privat lyd- og sikkerhedsprojekt med en finansiering på 125 mio. kr., heraf 112 mio. kr. fra EU. “Det er et betydningsfuldt og innovativt projekt, som vi er glade for og stolte over at være en del af. Praesidio Group…
Praesidio Group has been appointed sole security advisor and partner of the large-scale EU funded project “MONICA” that aims to reduce the high level of sound and noise, maximize security and minimize risks at large events in Europe. The sound and city venture kicks off…
The darker side of wealth and spotlight are the associated and growing risks. Expats, families in the spotlight and wealthy families are more vulnerable to certain risks – theft, fraud, extortion and other security risks. Therefore Praesidio Group is launching a new “Secure & Safe Family…