Should Chinese tourists be quarantined? Participants in P1 radio debate programme: Liselott Blixt (DF), Susanne Diemer (security expert), Lone Simonsen (RUC), Stinus Lindgren (RV) and Lars Østergaard (Aarhus University Hospital).
Jeg er desværre enig med Susanne Diemer. Indtil videre undervurderer vi tilsyneladende i Danmark omfanget af den risiko,… Slået op af Lars Seier Christensen i Søndag den 2. februar 2020
Security expert criticizes Danish handling of coronavirus: “Conflict-averse and risky attitude” According to security expert Susanne Diemer, Denmark is making a big mistake by not placing evacuated Danes in quarantine when they land from Wuhan (China). She believes the danger of a virus outbreak is…
Praesidio Group is listed on the CIO Bulletin “10 Most Influential Companies 2019”. In a featured article, CEO Susanne Diemer tells one of the ironies of security businesses is that they could never market their victories, because the majority of them will be confidential. Pillars that guard…
Praesidio Group is featured in “The Trailblazing Companies to Watch: 2019” by The Enterprise World. To read the full article, click here
Praesidio Group is one of the leading companies today and sharing her journey of struggles and success is CEO & Founder Susanne Skov Diemer, who aimed high. She was driven by a similar mindset to create a professional security company who has the knowledge of various…
Praesidio Group and CEO and Founder Susanne Diemer are featured in “Beyond Exclamation”, who has assembled the journey of selected influential personages and their disruptive companies. Click here to read the full article on how to secure the cyber sphere.
Today’s increasing and evolving global threats are strong indications for companies to re-evaluate and reinforce their supply chain security. Praesidio Group guides companies seeking to heighten their supply chain security through enhanced facility defense, secure freight containers, and employee vetting, as examples of identifying and…
Read more about the bulwark against security and cyber threats in an interview with CEO Susanne Skov Diemer in The Silicon Review by clicking here
We are pleased to announce that “Praesidio Academy” is now open worldwide! This international elite academy for special operations training and high performance has been exclusively for a closed circle of Special Forces. Now, with threats and risks increasing on a global scale, we are…