CEO Susanne Skov Diemer is among the 10 most iconic business women to watch. “Praesidio means to ‘protect’ and that forms the foundation of the Praesidio group. A crisis manager, senior advisor, security intelligence specialist Susanne Skov Diemer the CEO and founder of Praesidio Group…
out of
stars review from the Online Book Club: “Your Urban Crisis Survival Planner is a priceless masterpiece… In this book, the author is one of the best professionals globally and can provide advice that only a few could give. After the COVID…
Praesidio Grop is recognized as one of the Top 50 Admired Companies To Watch 2021 by CEO Views. “Security and intelligence is not just a profession, but a way of life. A mission. On-going crisis, disaster and emergency preparedness is a duty for life and…
Susanne Skov Diemer has just released a beginners’ guide to practical crisis awareness and preparedness, where she guides readers through scenarios & cases, challenges & opportunities and the ‘How’s’ and ‘Why’s’, the ‘Dos & Don’ts’.With fascinating and insightful personal anecdotes, observations, experiences and expertise from…
Every month around the 1st, social media is full of ‘new job’ postings – and I would like to begin by congratulating everyone, who is starting a new adventure. As a security specialist and advisor, I would also like to point out that there are…
Praesidio Group is strengthening its risk and security Screening, Vetting & Validation programme with Martin Schulze joining as new head and partner of Screening, Vetting & Validation. “Martin is a long-time collaborator and we are delighted to welcome him on board to further strengthen our…
Magasinet ’Penge & Privatøkonomi’ (januar 2021) har udvalgt 6 bøger, der er værd at læse, heriblandt “Forbered dig bedst på det værste”: ’’Bogen forklarer, hvordan du forbereder dig til det værst tænkelige scenarie, som kan overgå vores samfund. Uanset om det er en global pandemi…
This Christmas, our CEO Susanne Skov Diemer is creating a Christmas calendar on social media to share recommendations, reflections and advise from the security world and her book “Forbered dig bedst på det værste” (Prepare yourself best for the worst). The purpose of the calendar…
CEO Susanne Skov Diemer is a proud member of the PACTESUR Expert Advisory Committee and this month she is featured in their newsletter with an interview focusing on crisis management and urban security. PACTESUR aims to empower cities and local actors in the field of security…
Bogens vejledninger er klare og velbeskrevne. Nogle finder måske scenarier og tiltag voldsomme, men bogens intention om i hvert fald at få taget snakken med familie, venner og naboer om, hvad der kan gøres inden nødvendigheden, er både tankevækkende og prisværdig. Desværre nok en vigtig…