A new global security hub

December 25, 2024
Susanne Diemer

Uncover. Unwrap. Understand. Unlock security and preparedness to navigate crises with clarity.We are delighted to introduce Praesidio Arena – an online platform and community that delivers real expertise on real matters. PRAESIDIO ARENA is your hub for actionable insights on security and preparedness, empowering individuals and…

National broadcaster radio interview

July 16, 2024
Susanne Diemer

Susanne Skov Diemer participates in DR ‘P1 Orienteering’, where she discusses the investigation in regards to the Trump assassination attempt. “We probably won’t get the full insight and we shouldn’t either. We don’t have to know everything. We shouldn’t know all the security plans. As…

Guest expert on DR (the Danish Broadcasting Corporation )

July 14, 2024
Susanne Diemer

CEO Susanne Skov Diemer was invited to the headquarters of the national Danish broadcaster to share her expertise on DR Television News and P1 Radio. She explained the processes involved in conducting security planning, protocols and procedures that are followed. Her insights further covered threat…

Dagbladet Information ”Livet i krisekassen”

July 12, 2024
Susanne Diemer

Dagbladet Information stiller spørgsmålet, ”Hvordan ruster man sig til et systemnedbrud? Ved at gennemleve det, selvfølgelig”. ”Alle taler om krise og prepping, men hvordan føles det egentlig, når systemet går ned? Vi har taget en for holdet”. Journalist Mikkel Vuorela har i 3 dage levet efter…

TV 2 Nyhederne: Ekspert: Det skulle være sket meget tidligere

June 4, 2024
Susanne Diemer

”Forsvarsminister Troels Lund Poulsen forsikrede om, at der inden for de næste 14 dage vil komme information om, hvad man som borger skal gøre, hvis den kritiske infrastruktur bliver ramt. Men det skulle være sket meget tidligere. Det mener sikkerhedsekspert Susanne Skov Diemer, der tidligere…

TV 2: A future cashless society

May 19, 2024
Susanne Diemer

‘Although digital and electronic solutions are booming, we must not forget the importance of cash if a crisis strikes. This is the opinion of security expert Susanne Skov Diemer, who was previously security coordinator at the American Embassy in Copenhagen.’I think it is important to…

Computerworld crisis guide recommendation

May 19, 2024
Susanne Diemer

‘The first Danish guide to handling crises provides good tips and tricks for those who want to prepare a little before a major crisis occurs’.’You can learn more about how you and your loved ones can protect yourself during crises, disasters and power failures by…

Podcast preparation interview

March 12, 2024
Susanne Diemer

The Danish Radio 4 takes a closer look at the short-term and long-term consequences the unstable world situation has had on Danish security policy, and interviews Susanne Skov Diemer about preparation and the biggest threats she sees: Power supply breakdown and attacks on critical infrastructure. ”We have to…

Crisis preparedness interview

March 7, 2024
Susanne Diemer

As Sweden is joining NATO, CEO Susanne Skov Diemer was interviewed by TV 2 Danmark “News & Co” panel, the leading Danish broadcaster, to discuss crisis preparedness. “I wish politicians would be clearer in communicating to citizens about the risks, we are potentially facing. As a society, it is essential that we come together by…

The first non-fiction book salon of the year

January 28, 2024
Susanne Diemer

The first non-fiction book salon of the year at a Danish public library is about prepping and preparedness. The conversation center’s around CEO Susanne Skov Diemer’s Danish crisis preparedness guide on how to protect yourself and your family during crises, disasters, and power failures. Her purpose…