
Home » Maritime

Praesidio’s Executive Maritime programme offers a team of International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) qualified consultants to meet the increasing maritime and security risks and challenges. 
Services are tailored to protect vessels and facilities, safeguard lives, and secure financial investments.Our team is accredited by the British Department for Transport, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, and International Maritime Organisation to conduct on-site and on-vessel security audits & risk consulting – and provide experienced and accredited maritime security operators.
Services are fully compliant with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) code, Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention and Best Management Practice Version 4 (BMP 4).


  • Physical Security:
    Access Control, Intrusion Detection Systems, Perimeter Protection and Lock-Down Systems.
  • Secure Family:
    ISPS and Close Protection-trained chaperones, and Maritime Security Training for Families.
  • Route Security:
    Security Risk Assessments and Plans, Security & Safety Training, and Yacht Security Hardening.
  • Event Security:
    Screening and Background Checks, Perimeter Protection, and Executive Protection.
  • Vessel Security: ISPS Auditing and Recommendations, Vessel Security Hardening, and Security Plans.
  • Port & Harbour Security:
    ISPS Auditing and Assessments, Security Plans, Incident Response, and Security Design.
  • Enterprise Security:
    Selection of Security Officers, Crisis Management Plans, and Security Audits. 
Intelligence & Investigations
  • Security Intelligence:
    Port/Harbour/Country Risk Profiles, Intelligence Alerts, and Pre-Voyage Intelligence Briefings.
  • Screening & Vetting:
    Pre-Employment Checks, Crew Vetting, and Continuous Due Diligence of Crew/Family Assistants. 
Information & Cyber Security
  • Cyber Security Consulting:
    Security Assessments for Yachts, Suberyachts, Commerical Vessels and Ports.
  • Cyber Resilience Testing:
    For Onboard Navigation and Communication Systems, and Personal Devic

For more information, please contact