CEO & Founder Susanne Skov Diemer is the author of two preparedness guides
The aim of the books is to democratize and share crucial crisis and preparedness knowledge and expertise,
as the books are based on Susanne Skov Diemer´s 3 decades in the highest security league,
working globally with crisis and risk management, intelligence, consulting & risk assessment.
‘Your Urban Crisis Survival Planner’ (2021)

The book is a guide to practical crisis awareness and preparedness.
Susanne Skov Diemer guides readers through scenarios & cases, challenges & opportunities
and the ‘How’s’ and ‘Why’s’, the ‘Dos & Don’ts’.
She takes the readers through crisis processes, human nature and pitfalls
and shares fascinating and insightful personal anecdotes, observations, experiences and expertise
from decades on the global crisis scene.
“The aim of the book is to create crisis awareness, to prepare people and
ultimately help them protect themselves and loved ones.
As a security specialist, I have a high ethical duty and responsibility to protect humans, information, and property
and what better way to do this than by reaching people all over the world with the book.
I feel it is my duty and privilege”, says Susanne Skov Diemer.
The book is available in hardcover, paperback and Kindle version on Amazon, as well as on Barnes&Noble, Walmart & WHSmith.
“Forbered dig bedst på det værste” (People´s, 2020)

Bogen er en sikkerhedseksperts guide til at overleve katastrofer, terror, cyberangreb og andre krisescenarier
og er den første danske krisehåndteringsguide.
I bogen guider og deler Susanne Skov Diemer sine råd til, hvordan du og din familie overlever samfundsnedbrud og længerevarende kriser.
Du får indsigt i, hvad du skal have af forsyninger på dit nødlager, og hvorfor det er en nødvendighed.
Derudover deler hun sine råd til, hvordan man overlever og forbereder sig på en række sandsynlige krisescenarier som
strømnedbrud, cyberangreb, terrorangreb, virus og andre længerevarende kriser.
Bogen kan købes her: Saxo, Bog&Idé &